How to Setup Outlook on an Android Device

How to Setup Outlook on an Android Device

(To access the guide with pictures, please click on the attachment at the bottom right of the page).

Step 1: Download the Outlook App with your free Microsoft access.

Step 2: Click on Get Started, then enter your email as "" for example,

Step 3: Enter your LBCC email password and Click ‘Sign in’

Step 4: Click on Show Advanced Settings at the bottom of the sign in window. 

Step 5: Enter the following information in each field. Please Note: The email address field cannot be changed at this point and remains the same.

  • Server:
  • Domain: lbccd
  • Username: first initial/last name​​​​​​​ (Example: jsmith)​​​​​​​
  • Password: email password
  • Description(optional): user preference

When complete, click on ‘check mark symbol’ in top right corner.

Step 6: You will encounter a ‘Login Error’ message, this is expected. Click ‘OK’

Step 7: In the ‘Email Address’ field remove and replace with your actual email address.For example:

Step 8: In the ‘Username’ field replace your first initial/last name with your employee ID number. For example: from jsmith to9876543. You have completed the Outlook App setup for your Android Device.


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Mon 4/15/24 2:19 PM
Mon 4/15/24 2:20 PM