T1046 A/V Multimedia Presentation System

Tags T1046

T1046 A/V Multimedia Presentation System

(To access the guide with pictures, please click on the attachment at the bottom right of the page).

Step 1: Please press the screen of the Touch Panel/Logo to begin. Please wait while the system starts.

Step 2: Select Teaching Station, then choose one of the Input sources at the center of the Touch Panel: Room PC, Document Camera, or Guest HDMI.

Step 3: Below that, you can assign the input source by selecting the Destination of the Projector and/or Speakers at the bottom of the Touch Panel. Be sure to assign the Speakers, as well, to enable audio from the Room PC or other input sources. The Input source will be listed below to each of the Destinations to show their assignment. For the Presentation Volume use the directional arrows on the right side of the screen to raise and lower audio. To Mute the Presentation Volume, press Mute—below, there is the option to Video Mute for the Video and the Audio to be muted simultaneously.

Step 4: If you would like to show content from your personal device select ShareLink. Please be sure that you are on the LBCC Secure wireless network, which you use your single sign on credentials.

Step 5: If you would like to adjust your camera, select Camera. Here you can use the Preset Wide and Preset Center customized buttons or you can use the directional areas to focus on what you would like. There is also an option to Zoom In or Zoom Out. There is also an Auto Focus if needed.

Step 6: To shut down the system, select System Off at the bottom right. Then select Power Down or Cancel to turn the system off.

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Article ID: 8983
Tue 6/25/24 1:08 PM
Tue 6/25/24 1:08 PM