Report Phishing

What is Phishing?

Visit the LBCC website at for more information.

Reporting Protocol


If you suspect that you have received a phishing email but you did not click on any links, opened any attachments, or replied to the email, create a new message, attach the original message to the new one, and send it to using the steps below.

  1. Attach a message
    • Arrange the windows so you can see both the message list and your new message.
    • Select and drag the message you want to attach from the message list into your new message. 
  2. Delete the original message

Otherwise, if you suspect that you have fallen victim to a phishing attempt or inadvertently provided your password to an unauthorized source:

  1. Reset your password immediately
  2. Open a Service Request to report the incident
  3. Forward a copy of the original email as an attachment to
Request Service


Service ID: 974
Fri 9/8/23 11:17 AM
Tue 3/26/24 7:55 AM